
Friday, 16 September 2016

Build It and They Will Come

In June BirdWatch Ireland launched a new online Swift colony mapping tool made possible by funding from the Heritage Council. 

The people of Ireland responded in force to our call for records and over the summer months and the relatively short swift nesting season we received well over 200 individual online submission from all across the country detailing swift nest sites and colonies. In addition, individuals and BirdWatch Ireland branches submitted a number of bulk county records gathered during the same period. For example, In Kildare the BirdWatch Ireland branch members managed to survey a total of 24 towns and villages in the county, an incredible effort.

All these records together with other historic records will be accumulated and combined over the coming weeks and months and we will report back on the final tally later in the year.

Some of the swift records from all over the country

Due to the ongoing challenges swifts face, it is paramount to this species survival on the island of Ireland that we continue to identify their nesting locations in order to protect them. Make sure to go to the online map and submit any records you have from the past season, it’s not too late, so dust off your notebooks and dig out those records and get them into us.

You can find the online mapping tool here:

Lastly a huge thanks to all who have taken the time survey your patch for swifts and submit your records. 

More news from us soon

BirdWatch Ireland Swift Project Team

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Colossal Swift Colony in Clonmel

Swift chasing insects Kevin Collins

Earlier in the month, we teamed up with the Tipperary Heritage Office and Tipperary Branch of BirdWatch Ireland to go looking for Swifts in Clonmel.

Arriving at the venue for the talk, St. Mary’s GAA Centre, groups of Swifts could be heard screaming overhead before even getting out of the car. With the sun splitting the stones and hardly a breath of wind, It was shaping up to be a great evening for Swifts.

Sky full of Swifts Brian Caffrey

A group of keen Swift enthusiasts arrived for a talk on Swifts, including representatives from Clonmel Tidy Towns and Tipperary Tidy Towns. Following the talk we were guided by Kevin Collins of Birdwatch Ireland Tipperary Branch, towards South Tipperary General Hospital, which revealed a truly impressive site – a sky literally filled with screaming Swifts. A quick count (not an easy job, when dealing with Swifts!) estimated 100 Swifts visible in the air over the hospital and GAA Centre in a single count.

Dan Hogan, Kevin Collins & Malcom Turner observing the swifts
Brian Caffrey
Kevin, who has monitored this Swift colony for many years could point out one building in particular, ‘The Community Care Building’ which was the hub of the nesting colony – with up to 50 pairs nesting in this building alone. The unusual design of the ventilation gaps in the soffit of the building have created an ideal home for Swifts to nest.

The colossal Swift colony at South Tipperary General Hospital, Clonmel
Brian Caffrey
Feeding time, adult Swift with full "bolus" Kevin Collins

This is undoubtedly one of the largest colonies of Swifts in Ireland and a truly wonderful spectacle to watch and hear the aerial antics of the Swifts overhead on a summers evening.

We are still looking for your swift nest sites and if you are aware of any colonies be it of one or fifty breeding pairs we want to hear from you!

You can log your nest sights Here

or email us on 

Thursday, 23 June 2016

A Swift Start to Survey Season

Last year the BirdWatch Ireland Swift Team carried out Swift survey work on behalf of the OPW (Office of Public Works) at a number of their heritage sites around the country.

Swifts in the summer sky Pauline Skoczylas

Swifts are traditionally associated with old and historic buildings as they provide nesting opportunities which the birds exploit. Modern buildings lack the same opportunities, as modern building techniques and materials make these buildings unsuitable for nesting Swifts.

Last season (summer 2015) we completed survey work at Kilkenny Castle, Portumna Castle, Roscrea Castle/Damar House, Clonmacnoise and Kilmainham Gaol. To our delight, with the exception of Kilmainham Gaol all sites had nesting swifts. The size of the colonies varied from one nesting pair at Clonmacnoise right up to twelve nesting pairs confirmed at Kilkenny Castle.

Common Swift on wall close to nest hole Artur Tabor

Not alone did last seasons surveys prove the "historic building" rule but it also discovered one very unusual nest site. One pair of swifts had nested at waist height within the wall of the round tower at Clonmacnoise. I wonder what the monks would think of that having managed to keep the Vikings out of their tower for all those years! Footage of the Swifts visiting their nest within the wall of the round tower can be viewed here.

Swift Nest Location at Clonmacnoise Brian Caffrey

This year we have embarked on another round of Swift site surveys on behalf of the OPW and we took advantage of the good weather in late May to kick things off. This year we are visiting Ennis Friary (Co.Clare), Athenry Castle (Co.Galway), Emo Court (Co.Laois) and Trim Castle (Co. Meath) during the months of May, June and July. Our survey visits will ascertain if these heritage buildings are suitable for nesting swifts and whether or not swifts are currently nesting at the sites.

Swift survey at Ennis Friary (from the garden looking onto the Chancel) Brian Caffrey

The early visits tend to tell us more about the viability of the sites and a suggestion of whether Swifts might be nesting there rather than giving us hard evidence. We are in the middle of visit number two to each of the sites and will report back soon with a new blog post in the coming weeks.

In the meantime if you are familiar with any of these sites, other OPW heritage sites or have any Swift nest records please log them on our new online mapping tool here.

For more information on Swifts see our Swift Project Pages or email the Swift Team at:

Friday, 10 June 2016

A Saints Blessing for Banagher's Swifts

Today we met the students and teachers from St Rynaghs National School in Banagher Co. Offaly, only a stones throw from the BirdWatch Ireland Banagher office. The school has partnered up with Banagher Tidy Towns Group to help conserve Swift populations in this small town.

In the early spring Banager Tidy Towns Group planned and coordinated their Swift Nest Box Project. With funding from the Heritage Council and Offaly County Council they bought and erected 5 top of the range Schwegler nest boxes. The work was enthusiastically carried out by local FAS and TUS scheme participants.

Schwegler Swift Boxes at St Rynaghs NS, Banagher Ricky Whelan
The project aims to help Swift populations locally by providing safe and permanent nesting places for these summer visitors whilst bringing the species right into the heart of the three local educational facilities. As well as the Swifts, St Rynaghs NS, Banagher College and Banagher Further Education Center have all benefited from the project.

Swift Boxes high up on St Rynaghs Tower Building Ricky Whelan
During today's visit to Ms Keenaghan's second class we hoped to inform and inspire the class pupils on the importance of protecting Swifts and our environment. The class went on an Urban Safari to observe the towns Swifts go about their daily business. We looked at older buildings suitable for nesting birds and compared them to more modern buildings that for the most part nullify the opertunity for nesting swifts. We discussed all the amazing facts about the species and talked about the various threats they face and why we need to protect their breeding places.

Q & A Session back in class Ricky Whelan
Typical of Ireland, our Swift Safari got cut short by rain showers so we retreated back to the school for an in-dept "questions and answers" session with the pupils. The pupils really had grasped the topic and had lots of very interesting (and difficult) questions.

We hope the second class pupils will become real ambassadors for Swifts and help spread the word to their friends and families for a long time to come. Fingers crossed that their boxes will have some residents in the near future and we will blog any updates in the future.

Thanks to St Rynaghs Principal Mr McMahon, class teacher Ms Keenaghan and all the pupils for their enthusiasm and for making the visit so enjoyable.

For more information on Swifts and how you can help them see our Swift Project Page here.

To record a swift sighting or nesting location click here.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Save Swifts With Your Summer Sightings

New Swift survey webpage
We have just designed a new online Swift Sighting form and we want you to get using it!

Over the past few summers we have been appealing to birdwatchers and the wider public to log their Swift sightings and nest locations. 

Each year BirdWatch Ireland is contacted by people concerned that their local Swift colony may be in danger due to building renovations or even demolition. By the time we hear from these people its often too late to act in order to protect these colonies or mitigate for the planned works. 

This year is no different we want you to log your Swift colony locations and swift sightings so over time we can build up an itinerary of where Swifts are nesting across the entire country. If we can gather this information we will be armed with robust data enabling us to look out for and take care of Irelands Swift colonies. 

New mapping system, just click on your sighting location

The Swift breeding season is beginning to hot up now with parent birds on eggs and the first feeding visits will be starting soon. There is no better time to have a look at the sites where you feel Swifts might be nesting and if your hunch is right please log your observations on our new swift mapping system.

New "View Submissions" map, check out Swift records here
The new mapping format allows you to log sightings and absence of Swifts, whilst it also allows you to view all the submissions received this season. 

Swift Network, just click on the county your after

Lastly we have provided an updated Swift Network map which give s all the contact information you may need to get in touch with your local Swift Network member who will be able to help advise you on of all things Swift related.

So please go to our Swift Survey Page here and log your sightings throughout the summer.

Dont hesitate to get in touch with the BirdWatch Ireland Swift Team at any stage:

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

They are a Wild Bunch in Cavan

In the first of a series of Swift project blogs we are over to county Cavan to see how the students and staff at Scoil Bhríde Killeshandra are progressing with their school swift project. 

For those not familiar with the place, Killeshandra is a small town situated to the northwest of Cavan town and is right in the heartland of the lakes of Cavan. 

Putting Killeshandra on the map Google Maps

Last year the newly formed "Wild Bunch"  got plans underway to attract nesting Swifts to their primary school and there has been super progress so far!

Newly Installed Swift Boxes 

Over to Bridie and Siobhán for the update.(thanks to both for words and photos)

Following consultation with Brian Caffrey of Birdwatch Ireland and on his recommendations we installed four swift boxes up on the side of the school – north east facing. One has a camera installed and connected to a classroom. We have a CD playing "swift calls" hooked up to an amplifier which entices them to the box.  We have had numerous sightings of swifts around the school and last weekend there was some nesting materials left in the nest box, however there has been no more activity as yet. 

Close up of Swift "Woodcrete" box (left), wooden box and amplifier unit (right)

We have a Committee set up called the "Wild Bunch" who is keeping an eye on the bird boxes for nesting progress and maintaining the garden.  

"Wild Bunch" members out on a campus Swift patrol 

The project was part funded by Cavan County Council - Local Agenda 21 and local fundraising. 

Many thanks
Bridie and Siobhán  

We were absolutely delighted to hear about how well the project has progressed. Fingers crossed that Swifts will find and occupy the specialised swift boxes this season but it can be a long game when it comes to this species and it may take many more seasons before we see tenants at Scoil Bhríde, Killeshandra. 

We are standing by to hear if this year will produce the goods in Co Cavan.

For more information on Swifts and how to help them have a look at our Swift Project Web Pages.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Anticipating Arrivals

As April passes we impatiently await the arrival of one of Ireland’s iconic summer visitors. The Common Swift arrives to Ireland in early May. The first annual record often comes in on May 1st so we will have our eyes and ears poised this May Bank Holiday Weekend. After wintering in tropical Africa they come to Ireland to breed over the months of May, June and July, a short visit before heading south again living life in an endless summer. In Ireland Swifts find mild weather, ample insect food and nesting places, the perfect combination for these amazing birds.

Common Swifts Pauline Skoczylas
But it’s not all just a holiday for the Swift, over the past 40 years in Ireland we have seen a 25% decrease in their breeding abundance. With all that said we haven’t abandoned the Swift and Birdwatch Ireland together with many community groups and partners are fighting in the Swifts corner, making efforts to secure a future for Swifts here in Ireland.

BirdWatch Ireland Swift Video YouTube

Our blog will touch on all things Swifts over the summer months and will highlight many of the community conservation projects taking place across the country with a myriad of guest blogs planned.

Check out some of the upcoming Swift Events below and make sure to watch our YouTube video above on Swifts in Ireland.

2016 Swift Events

For more information on BirdWatch Ireland and our Swift Conservation Project click here.